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ARO - The Agricultural Research Organisation of Israel - The Volcani Centre

The Agricultural Research Organisation of Israel, known as the Volcani Center (ARO), is Israel's leading agricultural research institution. It focuses on advancing agricultural practices and technologies through research in areas such as crop development, plant protection, animal science, and environmental sustainability. The ARO supports Israel's agricultural sector by developing innovative solutions to increase productivity and sustainability. The contributor to Pro-Wild is the Israel Gene Bank (IGB) of the Agricultural Research Organization. IGB is a national center for conserving Israel's genetic resources and a physical and informational (database) infrastructure for present and future research needs.

Role in the project

ARO will survey the ex-situ conservation of Pro-wild CWR target species in order to

  • understand the conservation extent in Europe
  • find conservation gaps and create recommendations for samplings
  • assess readiness for pre-breeding

ARO will also be involved in assessing populations vulnerability of T.dicoccoides and B.vulgaris using temporal analysis and genomic predictions.

Key person involved

  • Dr Einav Mayzlish

Further information

Link: ARO - Israel Gene Bank (IGB)

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